Psoriasis & Skincare

My Top 5 Psoriasis Tips

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psoriasis tips

If you are living with psoriasis like me then you know just how painful it can be. Weather you have scalp Psoriasis, Psoriatic arthritis or even just dry skin, these Psoriasis tips are for you!

I have been living with Plaque Psoriasis for over 10 years now so I have definitely learned quite a few Psoriasis tips and tricks along the way. When I was younger it just started as scalp Psoriasis with a patch right in my head crease at the back of my head. It would crack and bleed, especially during the winter with no relief. Since then I have experiences Psoriasis plaques on my face, elbows, back, neck, breasts and butt and have tried just about everything under the sun to find relief. 

Please note these tips are what have worked for me and not meant to replace any treatment you might have suggested to you by a licensed Dermatologist. So here are my top 5 tips for living with Psoriasis:

1. Always have lotion or cream nearby - Psoriasis Tips

I especially love having a tube of Aquaphor when my skin gets really dry and itchy. This helps keep the skin protected so it will not get any worse and hopefully keep you from mindless scratching. It’s also great for winter time if you need some chapstick for your lips – just use some Aquaphor!

Get some Aquaphor here

2. Use a sugar scrub when you take a shower.

I have found that when I am in the shower it help soften my Psoriasis plaques and when that happens I use a sugar scrub to help remove the top layer of dry skin. This will help reduce the Plaque Psoriasis roughness and reduce Psoriasis itch. Make sure to scrub gently though so you don’t irritate your Psoriasis plaques too much and also apply lotion after your shower to stay soft and moisturized!

Get my favorite sugar scrub here

3. Calm your Psoriasis flare up with an epsom salt bath soak - Psoriasis Tips

This will not only help your skin feel great but also reduce Psoriatic Arthritis inflammation. One thing to note with a salt soak is any open or recently scratched patches will sting a little bit so the best time to do this is probably in the morning, assuming you haven’t been scratching all night. Don’t forget to apply lotion after and time you shower, bath or wash your skin in any way to keep it soft for as long as possible!

Get some Epsom salt here

4. Apply baby powder to open patches.

A lot of times I mindlessly scratch my Psoriasis plaques which can cause them to open and bleed. Sometimes though, there is a clear liquid that will ooze out (similar to what comes out of a blister) that will cause your skin to cling to your clothes. Since I have a large amount of Psoriasis on my butt and back, this happens to me often with my underwear. So to prevent my skin from sticking, and then eventually opening up again once I remove my clothes, I apply baby powder. This creates a barrier between my skin and clothes that helps keep my Plaque Psoriasis protected.

Get some baby powder here

5. Wrap your Psoriasis affected skin at night - Psoriasis Tips

This is a more extreme tip if your Psoriasis plaques are becoming unbearably dry and itchy but I recommend wrapping your affected skin with Saran wrap overnight. Make sure to apply a layer of psoriasis cream, ointment or my favorite, Aquaphor, and then cover your affected parts with cling wrap to keep the skin protected and soaking in the moisture all night long. For hands and feet I suggest gloves and socks to keep those appendages happy.

Get some cling wrap here

I hope these Psoriasis tips helped you, they have been keeping my Psoriasis calm and smooth for years! If you have any questions please feel free to reach out to me! For more Psoriasis tips and tricks in your inbox, make sure to sign up for my newsletter below!


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