Plus Size Dating Tips // Tips for Plus Size Dating

this is a different kind of blog post for me, I wanted to talk about my experience with online dating and the plus size dating tips and tricks I have learned through the years. All of my relationships have been a result of meeting someone online and I have been plus size my whole life so I have a certain expert point of view on the subject if you will. What this post is NOT going to be about – how to be appealing to men or how to make yourself smaller. I want you to embrace your big beautiful self and step into dating as a plus size babe with confidence. Remember that THEY need to impress YOU otherwise they don’t get your time and energy. *hair flip*
Make sure to include full body photos! Look at it this way – ultimately it will be a waste of your time if you are not reeling someone in by showing your true, whole, beautiful self. Choose photos showing you smiling and enjoying yourself in different settings. This is a great way to communicate your favorite hobbies and activities.
If you don’t have many full body photos of yourself ask your friend to take one next time you go out! Here are some photo suggestions to get you started:
- Out at your favorite restaurant
- With your pet
- At a show/concert/event
- Dressed up for a formal event
- Doing your favorite activity/hobby
It’s very common as someone plus size to be fetishized and used just for sex. Guys want to f*ck us but don’t want to date us. There are ways to tell early on if a guy is only interested in being physical and will just waste your time. It might be something on his profile or what he says in your conversation. Keep an eye out for these and move on quick if you see these things:
- He has lots of shirtless photos
- His profile hasn’t been filled out or there’s just a few works like “food, gym & travel”
- His profile says things like “just trying to have fun”, “nothing serious”, “open-minded”, “looking to hang out” etc.
- He asks what you are doing right now or later that day
- He asks you to come over to his place
You might think this suggestion is counterproductive but let me explain. Most (not all) of the men on the plus size specific dating apps are there because they have a fetish. They are either looking for someone PURELY based on their body or they are into feeding. If this is your thing, go for it! However if you are looking for a partner who loves you as a person regardless, then I would advise you avoid sites like this.
Admittedly I did have a long term relationship with someone I met off of a site like this so again, this is more of a warning than a strict rule. I have been back on these kind of sites since that relationship and have been completely turned off.
If you decide to give it a try just keep an eye out for some of these warning signs:
- He asks you how much you weigh or what size clothes you wear
- He compliments your body more than once
- Most of his questions are about your body or eating habits
- He doesn’t try to get to know you as a person or learn your interests/hobbies
Your size doesn’t matter and neither do theirs! Don’t assume a guy that is smaller than you wouldn’t be interested in being with you. The exception would be if a guy’s whole personality is going to the gym and lifting weights. Someone like this is probably going to be very boring and not have much in common with you (at least in my experience). Plenty of guys are thinner simply because they have a great metabolism or maybe they work out but its not something they need a partner to be into too. Or hey, maybe you do like working out and you can do it together. All I’m saying is don’t limit your potential matches purely because of their body size! Most of my partners have been on the thinner side and it had no bearing on our attraction for one another or the hobbies/activities we both wanted to do together.
Ireally hope you found this plus size dating tips blog helpful! If you want to hear more about my dating journey and what shenanigans I am getting into then make sure to follow me on Instagram and watch my stories! If you’d like to show your appreciation please read below about my participation in the Thank with Google pilot program…
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