Psoriasis Care Guide for Your Body
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Hi, Fly Friends! If you’re a fellow babe with psoriasis, eczema, or even just dry skin, here are some psoriasis care tips for you. If you want more info on my experience and advice with having psoriasis, you can check out these blog posts: How to Cover Up Face Psoriasis, Winter Psoriasis Tips, My Psoriasis Journey, A General Psoriasis Overview, and My Top Five Psoriasis Tips. Happy reading!
1. Exfoliating Psoriasis Care

Use a body scrub in the shower to remove layers of dead skin. BE GENTLE, if you scrub too hard it could irritate your plaques and be even more uncomfortable.β If you have extra sensitive skin, then I recommend using an unscented or classic “shea butter” type scented scrub. You can also use this helpful tool to help you get to spots on your back or anywhere that’s hard to reach.
2. Cleanse

KENKODERM $30 (for four) | CERAVE $15
The next step is to cleanse well and wash with a psoriasis-friendly soap. I use either the Kenkoderm dead sea mud bar soap or the CeraVe psoriasis gel cleanser. The Kenkoderm “uses Dead Sea Mud, a key ingredient, that cleanses and removes impurities from psoriatic skin while reducing signs of inflammation.” The CeraVe is made with “Lactic Acid for gentle exfoliation, 2% Salicylic Acid to relieve skin itching, scaling, redness, flaking and irritation associated with psoriasis, Niacinamide to calm skin, and Urea to help moisturize.”
3. Moisturize

CERAVE $20 | KENKODERM $25 | BODEWELL $32 | MG217 $9
Finally, lock in moisture with a lotion that has salicylic acid. These are my four favorites. They are all fragrance-free as well. Kenkoderm says, “Kenkoderm 2% Salicylic Acid Moisturizing Cream relieves the symptoms of psoriasis and helps prevent recurrence. A hydrating blend of shea butter and meadowfoam seed oil helps soften and soothe rough patches while repairing the natural epidermal barrier” The other three products all have similar descriptions!
4. Extra Psoriasis Care Tips

- Always carry Aquaphor! You all know that this is one of my favorite products of all time. You can use Aquaphor on any part of your body or face including your lips. I love using this when I’ve scratched my plaques because of the healing properties.
- Try to avoid using super hot water when you shower as it dries your skin even more. If you are washing dishes by hand with hot water or anything like that, make sure to pat dry and moisturize afterward.
- Wear breathable fabrics like cotton, linen, or satin when you can. Natural fibers are less rough on the skin. Bonus points for sleeping naked!β
I hope this post helped you find some new products to add to your psoriasis care routine!
XO Victoria